Languages: Java
Tools: IntelliJ
Description: Program for vizualising pathfinding and maze-generation algorithms
I created this program to learn more about algorithms and how to implement them, specifically maze-generation and pathfinding algorithms.
Maze-generation algorithms
For generating mazes, four unique algorithms are available.
All the algorithms produce perfect mazes, which means there are no loops and all mazes are solvable. Most of these algorithms are based on spanning tree-algorithms used in graph theory.
Randomized depth first search
Random DFS algorithm can be implemented both recursively and iteratively. I’ve chosen an iterative approach for my implementation.
Randomized Kruskal
Randomized Prim
Recurisve Division
Source: Wikipedia: Maze generation algorithm
Pathfinding algorithms
There are two available pathfinding algorithms.
1. Dijkstra
2. A*
A* is an extended algorithm of Dijkstra’s. It adds a heuristic value that helps to determine the optimal next cell to visit, often resulting in major performance improvements.