Languages: Java
Tools: Intellij, LibGDX, Spotbugs, GitLab
Description: 2D rogue-like action game
As part of the course “INF112 - Introduction to system development” at University of Bergen.
The game was developed over the course of 3-4 months, in a team of 5 members. To read more visit the GitLab repository.
Some of the systems i developed in the game (among others):
- Collision detection and optimization using space partitioning
- Optimizing A* path-finding algorithm
- Physics engine
- Inventory and weapon management
- Skills and upgrade
- User interface
Other members of the development-team:
- Martin Gabriel Westerheim Gundersen
- Ståle Karlstad
- Ole Fossbakk Birketvedt
- Shahnaz Shaheen al Mhethawy
Art created by Martin Gabriel Westerheim Gundersen. Music composed by Ståle Karlstad.